Saturday, August 31, 2013

My School of Circuit Riders LA Summer Lecture Notes, #1

Day 1 of Circuit Riders' LA School 2013, July 25, (Love Santa Ana Event)

 Speaker #1: Dave Gibbons (senior pastor of NewSong Church, LA). Notes:

 The natural inclination of man has always been to build vertically (Gen. 11, Tower of Babel, which is actually Satan's strategy). This has played out in the Church spending much time in construction of buildings and places of worship. These Christian structures cannot handle the demonic assault from a city.

There is a new game coming-the Church is called to the streets and workplace, not to try and lure the lost into structures. God's design is to scatter and send into trials, not build a structure. We are called to go out in twos and threes to bring fragrance and bless the earth. God's original design in Gen. 1 and 12 is to own the earth and claim it! To boldly roam the earth fearlessly and freely is planted in our DNA by GOD. This is true evangelism. Stop focusing on church- Focus on the Kingdom!

Ask yourself, "What am I pretending not to know?" [I realized I was pretending I didn't really know how to do evangelism ☹]

We are called to go out into the world to bring the Blessing! What does this blessing look like?
      1. To SEE people (on streets, crowds, etc). To notice them and ask, "What does the Father want to do here (John 5)? Lay culture aside and don't impose our own strategy-God has already placed Rahabs there to give us the keys to the city.
      2. To get to KNOW people (Acts 15). Have conversations, receive downloads from God (Words of Knowledge) about an individual-powerful and effective!
      3. Affirm the person's DESTINY! Mostly received through Words of Knowledge.
      4. Practice radical GENEROSITY! Give of our inheritance to bless others.
      5. LOVE!
               L- Learn the city-listen to God's heart for this city.
               O- Organize and have a plan of reaching the city.
               V- "verge"=convergence of different streams (Christian churches and organizations) all with                 different strengths, gifts, and insights. This is unity Of the body (1 Cor. 12)
               E- Encourage those we seek to save with words, gifts, affection, etc. Let them know they are VALUED. Approach people on their terms and in their locations. Ask questions; find out    about them, be interested, listen to the Lord for Words of Knowledge to share with the person.