This morning, as I read in 2 Thessalonians 3, verse 5: "May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ," I experienced a huge sigh of relief: The Lord supernaturally and powerfully tends to my spiritual growth! My weak, fallen nature will not triumph over His plan and purpose for my life, as long as I am consistently yielded to His leadership, and I seek after Him. And even in seasons of apathy, winters of life where I spiritually hibernate, He hasn't moved south; He is still gently leading and blowing warm Spring winds on my frozen soul, until I once again turn to Him.
I long to be a spiritual giant, one who carries the Kingdom wherever I go, but too often my selfish, petty humanness interrupts and leads me down the path of stupidity. I start caring more about what people think than what God thinks, want my ego stroked, want revenge when wounded, crave entertainment, or look for comfort outside of God. All the things of this world can never truly satisfy my immortal soul, which was created to yearn after eternal God. It is only within His presence that my thirst can be quenched. So what will I do? Will I beat myself up for being a weak, pathetic little sinner? Or will I turn to Him and create space to sit and just be, asking Him to fill me, cleanse me, create in my a clean heart, and direct my steps right now. Cease the chatter in my head and my habit of predicating how many more times I'll fail or stressing over all the tasks and projects I need to do, (my ranking in Great Task Contest of life, or how hopeless my repeated failures seem, but STOP. Rest. In. Him. Just for a moment, breathe in. Listen. Write down what He speaks into my mind. Read a scripture passage and meditate on what it says to me, right now. I am a human BEING, not doing. There is rest for my soul.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10a.