Day 11 of my spiritual journey happens to fall on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. What a hellish day that was. The atrocity and tragedy of that day is burned in our collective memories; I can still see that second tower fall as I watched it on t.v. while it happened, tears running down my face, saying, "no, no, no!" over and over.
If I let bitterness dominate my heart, however, those who died that day will have died in vain. While I must to hate terrorism with all that is in me, I must not hate my enemies. Christ commanded, "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matt. 5:44). That, of course, is impossible unless we possess the agape love from the Father. We love only because "...He first loved us" (1Jn.4:19). Those who claim to love from the world's perspective offer only stolen grace. Those of us who were bought by the precious blood of Jesus know there is no grace without a cost. But for ALL who believe and call on the name of the LORD, there is grace that pays for every sin.
I'm so grateful and moved today by the fact that I am truly free. Free to walk through my journey knowing He took every evil thing that has happened and will happen upon Himself, and will redeem every injustice, every hardship, even every atrocity, and turn it to good. May those who follow false Gods or no God at all, be filled with the knowledge of the one true God, repent and turn from their sin, receive salvation, and be examples and witnesses of Christ to the lost and floundering world. Amen.
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