My cat is irritating.
She is also funny, adorable and loving...
...but just when I'm working at the computer, knitting, wrapping gifts, or scrap booking, she's a huge pain in my tush.
I could chalk up her annoying interference as pure cat curiosity, but much of the time, she just wants to be in my lap, close and purring.
Not to be egotistical, but my cat worships me. She isn't really fond of anyone else, unless of course, I'm unavailable, and she'll cuddle up to a select one or two others, but in general, she's a one-woman cat. In fact, even as I write this, at the painfully early hour of 5:00am, she immediately appeared to jump in my lap, curl up and purr. I'm starting to see her behavior in a new light: her adoration and peskiness as attributes rather flaws. I want to be like her in my relationship toward God-seeking Him out and drawing near to Him in love and affection.
I want to sit at His feet and draw comfort and strength in His presence, to worship Him as the mighty and perfect being He trust Him, rely on Him, and love Him with my whole heart.
I want to choose Him over everything else that easily distracts and sucks up my time, to prefer His company to the company of others. I want to rest and soak in His presence. To BE rather than DO, to be a Mary rather than a Martha, whom the Lord had to gently correct: “Martha, are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42). I want what Mary had: a treasure that cannot be taken.
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